Cute crocheted dog lovey - the perfect companion for children
A soft, light, huggable dog that children can take with them on all their adventures.
This plush dog can be your child's favorite toy and loyal companion for a long time, whether it's for a nap or while playing.
Only the head is stuffed, so feel free to take it with you if you can't fall asleep. It's not tight, it's more comfortable to snuggle and hug.

The story of Nero's dog
Once upon a time, somewhere on the edge of a nice little town, there was a lonely dog named Nero. Néro was a special dog: one ear was white and the other was brown. Because of this, he always felt eccentric and avoided the company of other dogs.
"No one will want to play with me," Néro thought sadly, when the other dogs were running happily in the park. Rather, he hid behind the bushes and watched them from a distance.
However, one day a little boy came to the park. He kicked a dotted ball in front of him and laughingly called:
"Hey, dog!" are you playing with me
Nero hesitated at first. He didn't know what to think. What if the little boy makes fun of his different colored ears? But the boy was patient and kept calling him:
"Just come!" No matter what you look like, you must be a good playmate.
Finally Nero mustered up his courage and slowly ventured closer. The little boy smiled and gently rolled the ball over. Néro pushed it uncertainly with his nose, then rolled it back. The game soon turned into laughter and merry running.
The boy, whose name was Marcika, returned the next day and called Nero again. It so happened that they spent more and more time together every day. Néró happily noticed that Marcika never cared about why her two ears were different colors - all that mattered to her was friendship.
One afternoon, when they had been playing for hours, Marcika sat down on the grass and stroked Néro's head.
"You know, Néro, I don't have too many friends either." Sometimes I feel like they think I'm weird because I'm too quiet. But with you I don't have to worry. It's just good to be together.
Néró sensed that behind Marcika's honest words lay similar feelings as his own. She realized that they both needed a friend who would accept them for who they were.
From that day on, they became inseparable. They walked together, played soccer, and even the other children and dogs joined them. Néro learned that friendship is not about appearances, but about opening up and showing your true self. And Marcika realized that with a little courage anyone can find true friends.
They lived happily ever after, always reminding each other that friendship is the greatest treasure.